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The Power of Super-foods That Increase Muscle Strength

By on September 25, 2015

The Power of Super-foods That Increase Muscle Strength

Everybody knows that if you want to make some serious gains, simple lifting just won’t cut it. The other half of your gym success lays in healthy and well-timed nutrition.

Still, when someone inexperienced tries to grasp the science of proper nutrition, he learns the hard way, how blessed are the ignorant. The more effort he puts in grasping all the combinations of proteins, carbs, sugars, and fats, the more he feels lost.

If you are one of those, we will try to level the playing field and present you with a few super-foods that will spare you of such headaches, and enable you to increase your muscle strength quickly.

  1. Eggs

Immensely beneficial and easy to obtain, a single large egg is loaded with 6g of protein, stored in the package of only 70 calories. That makes it a good protein alternative both for non-vegetarians, and vegetarians alike.

Eggs are also a great source of omega-3 fats, which are essential for keeping your heart healthy, and your body kicking. If you are worried about the eggs’ staying power, try basing an entire meal on them. In one study, participants felt full longer and got in much better shape after replacing bagels with the two-egg meal.

  1. Wild Salmon

Even the people who are not into fitness know that fish makes a very healthy dish. The reason behind this is that fish, similarly to eggs, is packed with proteins and omega-3 fats.

A recent study has shown that eating just 85 grams of salmon twice a week can drastically increase levels of good cholesterol compounds (HDL), which are very important for maintaining healthy circulatory system. As for protein value, salmon packs 17 grams per 85 grams serving, which makes it a highly recommended dish for all body builders.

  1. Hemp Seeds

Commonly mistaken for its THC-rich cousin, hemp makes surprisingly good addition to your nutrition. Well, at least its seeds. Proving that “big things come in small packages”, hemp seeds contain great amount of essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and, of course, proteins. As a matter of fact they are one of the highest sources of complete protein (they contain all nine of the essential amino acids, which enable your body to repair tissue, build cells, and form antibodies) in entire plant-based life which makes them  a perfect  post-workout snack.

  1. Buckwheat

Until now, the main focus of our attention was on protein, and deservedly so. Protein is the only building block for your body. If you, however don’t balance your nutrition, you may fall short of other important nutrients, such as carbohydrates and slow your progress.

If you don’t consume carbohydrates, which are great energy sources, your body may even start burning muscles to replace the loss. That’s why you should enrich your nutrition with foods like buckwheat, which is a complex carbohydrates rich super-food. Buckwheat contains protein too, but in lower amounts than previous meals. If you want to push yourself further, and augment your protein intake, you can always do that with whey protein powder. You will get great protein value packed with very few calories.

  1. Goji Berries

Containing so much beneficial ingredients, Goji Berries are truly one of the healthiest foods out there. Their energy-boosting qualities shouldn’t be underestimated, either. Goji Berries are very high in minerals, antioxidants, and contain 18 amino acids. They also pack 500 times more vitamin C per gram than orange. Because of all that, they can significantly improve athletic performance, weight loss, and quality of sleep. And they are also a common protein source (albeit, not in spectacular quantities) too.

  1. Yogurt

Walking the thin line between danger-food and super-food, yogurt can fall on both sides, all depending of the type you are consuming, and how you consume it. As it is, yogurt contains bacteria that improve your gastrointestinal health. You can also find protein, carbohydrates, and other useful things here. Just be sure to avoid frozen yogurt with added sugar, and fruits at the bottom. Best way to consume it is Greek-style. Strain it in paper or cloth to remove the excess liquid and you will get a meal choke-full with probiotics and protein. Add some berries and seeds to further increase nutritional value.

Here you go; six super-foods that will help you to drastically improve your gym results. Although nothing can replace good old lifting, and steel discipline, there is no point in making it harder than it is either. Shortcuts that come as a result of well-thought out nutrition are, on the contrary, very welcomed.

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Mathews McGarry
Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.
Mathews McGarry

About Mathews McGarry

Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.

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