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How To Immerse Yourself In The Art Of Drinking Coffee

By on February 19, 2016

How To Immerse Yourself In The Art Of Drinking Coffee

We have all been asked what we would take to a deserted island. If one of your answers was coffee, then you are not alone.

Most of us could not imagine the start of our day without the much needed caffeine fix.

No matter if you are a devoted fan of the classic espresso, or opt for something more avant-garde such as the frappelattecino, there are a couple of things to keep in mind the next time you decide to indulge yourself with your favorite cup-o-Joe.

Cup a day keeps the doctor away?

Consuming coffee can be very beneficial for your health. It is among the best sources of antioxidants, which are known for being linked to numerous health benefits, including safeguarding from cancer and heart diseases.


While caffeine can boost your energy levels and increase your overall alertness, it is advisable to be wary with the amount you consume on a daily basis. In order to optimize its positive effects on your health, you should try to stick to a moderate intake of 2 cups a day. Also, try not to have a coffee before shut-eye, as it might hamper your sleeping cycle.

Fit as a fiddle

In case you did not know, most fat burning supplements contain caffeine. As a matter of fact, caffeine belongs to the group of natural substances that can speed up the fat burning process.

Moreover, caffeine makes fat cells decompose body fat and release them into the bloodstream. That is how fatty acids are born, and they are essential because the body uses them as fuel. Therefore, if combined with a regular exercise routine, caffeine can be your ally in bringing the number on the scale down and keeping a healthy weight.


A brain-teasing drink

Aside from increasing your alertness and keeping you awake, drinking coffee can also make you more sharp-witted.  So, you were not fooled by the domino effect, this magical liquid really works.

Though it will not turn you into Einstein, coffee will allow your brain to function in a more systematic and smart way. On top of that, research has shown that higher levels of caffeine in your blood can drastically reduce the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease for those above 65 years of age.


Spice it up

Apart from the delicious effects of pairing coffee and cinnamon, adding a sprinkle of the latter to your coffee can also have beneficial health effects. From a medical perspective, cinnamon is known for being effective at lowering levels of blood glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides.

Furthermore, substituting cream and sugar with one teaspoon of cinnamon can create a metabolism boost and save up to 70% of calories per cup. Another suggestion to sweeten your coffee is to add some vanilla or almond extract. These unconventional additions give a healthy twist to your coffee routine.


Wake up and smell the coffee

After having an energizing sip that puts your creative brain cells into motion, you might feel inspired to capture the moment with your camera. Coffee photography is becoming increasingly popular on social media.

The best part about it is that you can always sit down and have a relaxing cup after you’re done with taking pictures. But, why keep that moment for yourself, when you can share it with others and earn some money along the way. Photo communities such as EyeEm offer a place for the creative exchange of authentic images, from arty coffee photography to more professional photos.

The essence of life

One of the most beloved drinks in the world, coffee surely deserves the praise it gets.  As we have shown, there are plenty of reasons to drink coffee, and many benefits you can enjoy.

When consumed in reasonable amounts, coffee can prevent serious diseases, boost your physical and mental capabilities, and inspire you to engage in more creative ventures. Indeed, it seems that coffee is more than a drink. Its compelling essence is in the entire experience surrounding it, and the way it fits into your lifestyle.

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Mathews McGarry
Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.
Mathews McGarry

About Mathews McGarry

Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.

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