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5 Mistakes You’re Making When Trying To Lose Weight

By on January 5, 2016

5 Mistakes You’re Making When Trying To Lose Weight

Today, it is a fact that the amount of carbs we intake daily, significantly affects our weight ratio. Because of this, various theories appeared, each offering a solution to the problem.

However, not all of them can be right. Since, after all it is our body’s wellbeing that is at stake, and since carbohydrates are one of the most essential nutrients we daily intake, we need to learn about them as much as possible.

Here are some general diet tips as well as 5 mistakes you are most likely to make when trying to lose weight.

  1. Too many carbs in your diet

Even though some agree that carbohydrates are the fuel for burning all that extra fat, eating them in excess can cause you to significantly gain weight. This being said, some people try to completely exclude carbs from their diet, which is yet another typical rookie mistake.

Most would agree that the optimal amount of carbs for you to maintain your weight should be about 100-150 grams a day. In order to facilitate some weight loss simply reduce this number down to 50-100. Still, in order for optimal results, some even advise not taking more than 20-50 grams of carbs a day, so if you are brave enough and believe you can take it, why not.


  1. Not Enough Proteins

In order to get your body in shape (and to make it work properly in the first place) what you need is enough proteins. This means you need to eat fish, lean meat and dairy products. However, if you are lactose intolerant (as a lot of people are), you need to find another way to make up for milk-related stuff. By far the best solution would be to resort to recommended diet supplements and complement the said deficiency this way. Not only will this help you lose fat and gain muscle but it will also make you feel less hungry.

  1. Not enough fat

When speaking about harmful fats, most people are thinking about trans-fats. However, some make a common mistake of believing that all fat is harmful and the effects of this can sometimes be quite devastating. In order to function properly, your body requires every single nutrient out there, fat included. Still, you should pay attention to the source of your daily fat. By far the healthiest option you can make is to go with natural olive oil. Consuming it cold (usually on a salad) would be optimal.


  1. Lack of fiber and vegetables

Not only are nutrients like protein, carbohydrates and fats important but their sources are as well. Diversity is one of the supporting pillars of a well-balanced diet and you should act accordingly. This is why, your dishes need to contain their fair share of vegetables and beans. Beans are simply beaming with fibers and proteins, but also with no small amount of calcium. With this in mind, try to include as much beans to your eating habits as you possibly can.


  1. Lacking patience

Seeing the results of your hard work or sacrifice is by far the best motivator you could possibly hope for. Unfortunately, every diet requires time before it has something to offer.

Although you may feel better after just a few days of a proper diet, weeks are needed until these changes are visible to others.

Because of this, don’t get disappointed if after only three weeks of diet you don’t feel like you are getting where you wanted to be. Arm yourself with patience and all of this is bound to pay off.

In the end, every positive change in your dietary habits is bound to give results but you have to conduct it properly. This means that you first need to do your homework regarding every single step of your journey before you decide to embark on it. Do some research, remember to be patient and don’t ever turn down a helping hand since you simply have no luxury of doing so.

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Mathews McGarry
Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.
Mathews McGarry

About Mathews McGarry

Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.

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