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7 Snacks to Eat Before Weight Training

By on February 2, 2016

In the world of weight lifting, a proper diet accounts to half the exercise results – and yet, few gym lovers know how to plan their pre-workout meals in order to maximize its effects on muscle size and strength.

If your muscle mass does not seem to improve despite ultra-aggressive lifting sessions, odds are you are using the wrong type of body fuel or your meal timing sucks.

To stay on the success track in strength training, take a quick look at this list of best pre-workout foods and make sure you include them in your diet to avoid sluggish muscle development and quick exertion during exercises.


  1. Wholegrain toast and banana slices

Many weight lifters disregard the role of carbs and center their diet on proteins alone, which is a major mistake. Although proteins are important for post-workout recovery and muscle growth, your body will be using carbs during strength exercises to cope with the added strain. Prevent energy drain by fueling ahead of the workout with a slice of wholegrain toast and a banana: a perfect blend of simple and complex carbs, this quick snack will keep your motor humming without weighing down your stomach.

silver trade with a lot of fruit

  1. Greek yoghurt, nuts and dried fruit

For optimal results, gear towards gym time with a cup of Greek yoghurt combined with trail mix. Carbs found in dried fruit will provide a much-needed energy rev, nuts will keep your insulin level steady and yoghurt will facilitate digestion, top up your calcium stock and pep up your organism before the workout.


  1. Smooth and delicious liquid snacks

If your stomach does not agree with solid foods before training, go with a delicious smoothie for a refreshing change. Use low-fat milk or yoghurt and the fruit you have at hand (berries and bananas will work like a charm) to blend a mouth-watering pre-workout drink that packs easily digestible carbs and proteins. For thicker consistency and increased protein quantities, add granola or rolled oats to the beverage.


  1. Oatmeal and juicy fruit

Another easy-to-make snack for weight-lifters looking to maximize workout effects, a bowl of oatmeal paired with juicy fruit will stock up your vitamin reserve and optimally fuel your body with a balanced portion of carbs and protein. An excellent choice for avid gym goers, this combo will provide hydration and steady sugar release as your organism starts to burn calories during the training.



  1. Butter-coated apple slices

Prevent a sugar crash halfway through the exercise by a pre-workout meal consisting of apple wedges coated with peanut or almond butter. In addition to high carb, vitamin and mineral content, apple slices with a yummy butter layer will amp your energy and keep your belly full longer than sheer fruit.


  1. Homemade granola

A healthier alternative to industrial protein bars, homemade granola is both highly nutritious and easy to whip up for a quick ante-gym snack. Mix vanilla-flavored whey powder (½ cup), coconut flakes, coconut flour and milk (¼ cup each) and shape the paste into bars. For added flavor, you can add 30 grams of melted chocolate as bar icing, but try to use chocolate high in cocoa content with no added sugar. An excellent pick-me-up for muscle growth, a homemade granola should be consumed about an hour before the training to prevent an unwarranted loss of energy to digestive processes.


  1. A slice of lean meat and a salad on top

If you are fond of aggressive workouts, you should top up your batteries for weight training with a light portion of lean meat such as chicken breast or turkey cutlets and your favorite salad. Meat is the best source of protein which your muscles need to develop, while a fresh salad will keep your vitamin and mineral levels in check.


These seven meals will keep your muscle mass happy and growing like mushrooms after the rain. For more detailed info on the metabolization of different nutrients and their importance for your body, you should consult a personal fitness trainer and have them recommend the best pre-gym snacks. Are you ready to rumble like a pro lifter?

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Mathews McGarry
Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.
Mathews McGarry

About Mathews McGarry

Mathews McGarry is passionate about many forms of strength training, and spent years lifting, dragging and flipping all manner of heavy objects. After graduating from the Faculty of Health Sciences, he started writing about his experiences, and sharing tips for better life at and other health blogs. Follow him on Twitter.

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