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Four Supplements To Super Boost Your Juices Or Smoothies

Hello Vida, It’s Wellness Wednesday and our topic today is Four Supplements that will Super Boost Your Juices or Smoothies
Adding juicing and smoothies to your diet is a great thing – you already know that. While they offer plenty of nutrition compared to other beverage choices, you can actually make them even better. If you are juicing heavily, or on a fast, you are likely getting most of the nutrients your body needs for optimal health. However, when you add supplements to your drinks, you increase the overall nutrition factor even more. These four supplements will super boost your juices and smoothies, helping you get even more out of your healthy lifestyle.
Hemp Seed
As far as super boosters go, hemp seed packs quite the punch. When you add the powder to your juices or smoothies, you are adding serious protein and a total of 20 amino acids – including those that the body doesn’t produce naturally. You will also add healthy fats that include Omega-6s and Omega-3s. As an added bonus, you will also up the amount of trace minerals and vitamin E in your diet – all in one smoothie or juice. While you may be thinking you can get all of this with plain old flaxseed, think again – hemp seed powder has even more protein and healthy fats than flaxseed.
In addition to adding an intensely bright green color to your beverage, Spirulina also adds plenty of vitamin B12. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, this is important as most of the vitamin B12 in our diets come from animal protein. You will also add zinc, iron, selenium, copper, and beta-carotene, which are all important minerals in the body. You will also boost your juice or smoothie with protein, antioxidants, and vitamins. There are even some indications that Spirulina can help with increasing fat burn, which is a major consideration for many starting on a juice or smoothie lifestyle.
If you want more energy, adding maca will help. This root boosts your juices with protein, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, magnesium, amino acids, and vitamins B1, B2, B12, vitamin C and vitamin E. It also works as a natural hormone balancer, helping you to remain calm and focused throughout your day. One thing you have to remember with this super booster is that you need to start out with no more than two tablespoons daily so that you don’t shock your system.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a great super booster for juices and smoothies, and it tastes good too – which can be important for some. This oil has major antioxidant properties, and acts as an antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal to help keep you healthy. It also provides cholesterol-lowering benefits, and helps increase energy for weight loss. Some even find that it helps prevent that mid-morning crash some experience by helping to regulate blood sugar.
While there are tons of supplements that provide a super boost to your juices and smoothies, these four are some of the best for making sure you are getting the most out of your healthy lifestyle. Use and enjoy them and remember juice strong to live long!